Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wow has it really been two years since I posted anything to my blog?!? Unbelievable how quickly time passes by. There's been a lot of changes but I believe they are for the best. I've signed up for a Donna Downey online class titled "Inspiration Wednesday 2015" should be a lot of fun.  Decided to make my own journal.  I had a piece of material leftover from a dress I'd made Izzy last year… Perfect!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Strathmore Artist Papers is offering three different classes over the next few months. The first one "Doodles Unleashed: Mixed Media Techniques" with Instructor Traci Bautista was held during the month of January. Thankfully the classes were a work at your own pace. Never having done anything like this before I was pleased with the results. I used some paper doilies, rubber bands, plastic canvas squares and circles, feathers, letter stencils and craft sticks for my stencils. Since I already had some fabric spray paints I used those on my background over the stencils. Then I pulled out the acrylic paints. I must have turned the large sheet of mixed media paper around several times trying to see what secrets it held before I actually applied the acrylics. Funny I noticed the flowers first. My husband would say that's because we have over 200 various flowering plants in our yard. I say they are one of my favorites things so why fight it.
Next came the butterfly. Seriously going into this who would think a single standard size rubber band along with one large one could be a butterfly. You know it's like when you look up at the clouds and try to make different shapes out of them and yes I still do this. The feathers well they stayed feathers. They may be yellow but when I see them I think of the robins that arrive in the spring, the yellow finches in the summer that eat my false sunflowers, and the geese heading south in late fall. Inside of the football shaped area in the bottom left corner I wrote all of the different types of crafts I enjoy doing and now I can add collages to that list. This really was a fun project. Spread out over 4 days, due to time restraints, I'm happy to say it is what it is and it makes me smile. After all isn't that what life is about.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Both of the grand babies were over today. Of course we had a lot of fun playing with toys and doing puzzles but we also did something really special.... We decorated cupcakes for Valentine's Day! Kimberly and Grandpa had to work but Melanie, Blake, Izabella and I make sure that they received their share of cupcakes (we sent home for their dad's too).
Then after Kimberly and Izabella headed home Blake decided that he wanted a turn to feed the baby doll her bottle. Too cute! He's only 10 1/2 months old. A little while later Blake and Melanie set down at the kids desk to color. At first Blake was busy trying to color the white crayon with the orange one but he finally got the hang of it and started coloring in the book. Someday I'm going to take the time to figure out how to put two pictures side by side. Years ago I taught myself html one would think I'd remember how to do this but it's apparently one of those things you lose if you don't use it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Izabella's Robe

Funny when Kimberly was expecting our first grandchild it didn't occur to me to begin sewing anything for the baby. Nope never entered my mind until our return flight from Florida back in January 2010. Now I wish I had more time to sew but I hope that the grandkids and our children like what I've made so far and will make in the future. I came across this Minnie Mouse flannel material when I was actually looking for flannel for Blake's bassinet sheets. At the time I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it but it was just too cute to pass up. Now it's an adorable robe for a sweet baby girl. I went with a size 3T knowing that it would be a little long and the sleeves would have to be rolled but hey she's growing way to0 fast. She's also hard to catch standing still!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I got some new crayons and pencils!!! That's right you read it correctly. lol While we were in Grand Rapids last Saturday we stopped by the wonderful art supply store TSquare on Plainfield Ave. I'd heard about watercolor crayons but I'd never actually tried any myself. They had the Lyra Aquacolor Crayons in stock so I brought home the tin of 24 colors. However that wasn't our last art stop of the day oh no that would have been Hobby Lobby on Alpine Ave. There I promptly purchased a tin of Derwent Inktense Pencils. Naturally as soon as we got home I quickly cleaned off an area on my work table pulled out a sheet of Strathmore 400 series watercolor paper and got to work. For the next 1 1/2 hours I couldn't have told you if the phone rang or if anyone had come to the door I was so engrossed in what I was doing, seeing and feeling.
I started out by drawing a heart with a permanent marker on the corner of my paper then I quickly converted it into a Zentangle which was then filled in with the Derwent Inktense pencils. Then came the bottom left corner hmmm what to try next? How about a stamp. I'd been working on some Valentine cards earlier so the Close to My Heart stamp went down with Stazon ink and then was colored in with the Lyra Aquacolor crayons.
The cover of the Derwent Inktense pencil tin had a peacock on it. So I pulled out a graphite pencil and sketched him onto the center of my paper. Then using the Derwent Inktense pencils I continued to color and shade him in. I was quite pleased with the results of the peacocks body but will need to experiment more with the feathers.
Onto the right side of my paper another stamp that was handy was the cute little monkeys from Stampendous and then below that I drew a butterfly Zentangle. For each of these I used a combination of crayons and pencils.
Oh what beautiful colors appeared on my paper. I can't wait until the next time I have a few hours to play again with my wonderful new toys.

Christmas 2011

We were thankful to have all three of our children home for Christmas this past year. Christmas is such a magical time of year and it's so wonderful to have young children in the family again. Everything from the tree, decorations, and presents are looked upon with awe. You can't help but smile and share in their joy.

Jamaica 2011

Ed and I spent a glorious week in Jamaica last April. Lots of sunshine, food, drink, and relaxing by the pool. We even tried snorkeling and climbed a 600 ft waterfall!
