Thursday, November 5, 2009

First Altered Puzzle Pieces

So one of the ladies, Puff, from the MIABA Group invited everyone to join in on an altered puzzle piece swap. The theme was to be "Things with Wings". I've never altered a puzzle piece before and thought hey why not. I was given three preschool size (roughly 3"x4") puzzle pieces to work with. Okay so I was a little intimated by this task and have to admit that I let them set for a good 2 months. But finally this morning I took them out and before I knew it 3 hours had passed. Now it's evening and I'm happy to say that other then missing a set of googly eyes for the owl they are all finished. I'm thrilled with how they turned out. Below are pictures of the puzzle pieces. Because I had so many ideas, once I got started, I decided to do two different "Things with Wings" on each piece. My favorite is the penguin piece.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First Fabric Book

This was my first attempt at a fabric book. It turned out more like a fabric scrapbook (couldn't help myself) rather then an altered book, but I like it. I had a lot of fun choosing the pictures to use and building the book as I went along.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Knitted Hunting Bear

Look I finished my knitted hunter bear! He's 14 1/2" tall and has a removable sweater, bibs, and boots. Maybe someday I'll knit him another outfit or two.
